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Thursday, September 4, 2008

4th September 2008

Well you all it's 4th september 2008 today, but some of you guys might not know that it's my birthday today..hehe the big "23"....Still going strong and "mikin handsome" like some of the girls say =P Some people are sensitive when asked bout their age....but for me, age is just numbers, it's nothing to me...

Today I celebrated my birthday with my family, although not all of my siblings came for the "sungkai buffet", but at least my mom & brother came....My brother even brought his wife & kids, hemmm...those kids, so naughty running around the place...hehe kids will be kids..hehe If both were to come, they usually give me some $$$ for my birthday....Owh well..Hehehe

After a few minutes after enjoying our meal....TADAA!!! A happy birthday song was palyed, a waiter brought cakes with candles all lighten up...hehe And guess what it's not me..hehe it's for the guy at the next table close by....hehe A few minutes later, again..A birthday song with a waiter brought a cake along...And to my suprise, it's not for me..hehe It's for the lady with her friends sitting at the corner...hehe Everytime the birthday song came, everyone started clapping and singing along loudly...Hehehe Theres about 3 people in the restaurant celebrated their birthday today & thankfully one of them wasn't for me, cause honestly...I don't like suprises like that..hehe I'm use to just a quiet dinner with my family..hehe

So to all my friends who is reading this blog...please no need for the suprises k...hehe I just love spending some quiet time when celebrating my birthday, like use to every year ;D Thanks to all of my friends for the lovely greetings....

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